Friday, 7 May 2010

Film Poster Analysis

I have chosen this horror movie poster as the villain is a clown which directly links to our teaser trailer. The movie is called 'drive-thru', the title is clear and is written in red, the same colour as the clowns nose and lips; which looks like dripping blood. The tag line is quite long but is spread out for affect, this makes the audience look at the poster for longer. However the tag line is quite cheesy, but this is a convention for a horror movie, for example the tag line for Saw II is "Oh yes, there will be blood". We have selected a tag line that relates to a circus clown "Welcome to the greatest show on earth" however, similar to this movie poster we could expand our tag line to make the audience look at the poster for longer.

The clown being close up to the camera is creepy and makes it seem as if it is looking right at the audience, this makes the context of the poster eye catching, we could use this idea with the mask and the background could introduce the idea of a haunted circus, or the stalking clown. The poster outlines the plot and tells the audience that there is going to be death. The poster doesn't have a release date which entices the audience further, we could use this affect as it is only a poster for a teaser trailer and therefore is not meant to give too much away.

The second poster I have chosen to analyse is the Friday the 13th poster, which I chose for my marketing campaign. I think this poster really stands out as I doesn't give anything away except the release date however it is still clear that it is for horror movie as the hockey mask is known from the original Friday the 13th movies. I think this is a good poster to use as inspiration for our poster, as the clown mask stands out as being something creepy.

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